📚 Three Lessons from Steven Pressfield (a true legend) 📚


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I've had the privilege of reading Steven Pressfield's books and interviewing him multiple times on our podcast. Each conversation has left a lasting impact on me. Here are three key takeaways that have influenced both my personal and professional journey:

1. The Power of Persistence 😎

We can’t control the level of talent we’ve been given, nor can we choose the nature of our gift. But what we can control is our self-motivation, discipline, validation, and reinforcement. Steven wrote for 17 years before earning a single penny from his writing and then for another 10 before anything was published. His journey is a testament to the importance of working hard and smart, regardless of the obstacles.

2. Work for Its Own Sake ✍

One of my favorite quotes from The War of Art is, “We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.” This resonates deeply with me. The "why" behind our work should be the work itself. Visualizing future recognition won’t help you overcome Resistance; only true passion for the craft will.

3. Humility 😊

Despite being a hero to creators like Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan, and selling millions of books worldwide, Steven remains one of the most generous and down-to-earth people I've had the pleasure of working with. His humility is a constant reminder that true greatness is often accompanied by genuine kindness.

Steven Pressfield is the author of The War of Art, which has sold over a million copies globally and been translated into multiple languages. He’s a master of historical fiction, with Gates of Fire on the required reading list at West Point and recommended by the Joint Chiefs. His other works include A Man at Arms, Turning Pro, Do the Work, and many more. His debut novel, The Legend of Bagger Vance, was over 30 years in the making, and he hasn't stopped writing since.

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