Here are the top three principles ​Bill Perkins​ advocates for in his book Die With Zero


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Over the past week, my family and I traveled through Portugal, creating countless memories and truly living the principles Bill Perkins advocates in his book Die With Zero. Here are my top three takeaways from the book:

1. Memory Dividends 🧠💰

One of the most impactful concepts is the idea of “memory dividends”—the lasting value of our experiences. The memories we create today, like our family adventures in Portugal, continue to bring joy and fulfillment over time, especially if you document them well with photos and videos. Investing in experiences with loved ones pays dividends that enrich our lives long after the moment has passed.

2. Time Buckets ⏰🪣

Perkins encourages dividing life into different stages, or “time buckets,” and planning specific experiences for each. This ensures we make the most of each phase of life, matching our activities to our physical and mental capacities. For example, our recent travels were perfect for our current life stage, allowing us to explore and create memories while we can fully enjoy them.

3. Intentional Spending ✈️🇵🇹

The book emphasizes spending money on experiences rather than endlessly saving for an uncertain future. By focusing on what truly brings happiness—meaningful experiences and relationships—we avoid the regret of missed opportunities. This trip to Portugal is a testament to embracing this philosophy, prioritizing living fully now over material accumulation.

Living in the moment and making the most of the resources we have has never felt more vital. Thank you, Bill, for inspiring us to live a richer, more fulfilling life!

See you next week!

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