For years, I avoided fear at all costs


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For years, I avoided fear at all costs, believing that by steering clear of what scared me, I could maintain a sense of security and calm. However, I soon realized that this avoidance only led me to remain stagnant, trapped in a cycle of anxiety and missed opportunities.

One of my biggest fears was public speaking and communication. The thought of standing on stage, sharing my thoughts, and connecting with an audience was daunting. I vividly remember the anxiety that would consume me at the mere idea of it.

But something changed when I decided to face this fear head-on. I started running full speed at useful skills that really scared me. A great example of this was public speaking and communication. I threw myself into situations that challenged me, forcing myself to grow and adapt. Each step on that stage, each word spoken, became a victory over my fears.

The transformation was profound. Not only did my confidence soar, but I also discovered a passion for connecting with others and sharing my journey. Public speaking, which once terrified me, became a cornerstone of my personal and professional growth.

Today, I am proud to share that embracing fear has allowed me to build the life of my dreams. It’s not about being fearless but about facing those fears and moving forward despite them. It’s about recognizing that growth lies beyond the comfort zone. (baby steps though...right Kristen?)

In my book, Rise of the Reader, I delve into this journey and how it has shaped my path. I hope to inspire others to embrace their fears and pursue the skills and opportunities that scare them the most.

Remember, it’s not the absence of fear that leads to growth, but the courage to face it.

Grab a copy of my book here: https://a.co/d/0445yCfC.

See you next week!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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