Rise of the reader

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BONUS: Includes OVER 100 Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Habits that you can start implementing today!

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    In this book, you will learn:

    • How swapping 15 minutes of social media scrolling for 15 minutes of reading can dramatically impact 20 different areas of your life.
    • The power of intention when it comes to choosing the right books for you and how much you retain from their knowledge.
    • How to avoid bias and situational advice in the self-help industry.
    • Methods for note-taking and information implementation.
    • More than 100 new habits to improve your health, wealth, and happiness.

    Nick Hutchison

    Author, Rise of the Reader

    CONNECT with nick:

    Nick Hutchison is the founder of Bookthinkers, a marketing agency for books on personal growth. He can also be found on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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